In our film we used specific social groups or type of people to try and stay with the audience’s dominant ideology, to do this we chose to use a woman as many people in society believe women are more vulnerable than men. The actor is also small so this enhances the vulnerability of the character.
We put loads of writing over the female actors arm to make her look as if she is going crazy and we based this look on our image from the film 23.
We also thought if we use a teenage girl we would attract a wider audience and attract our target audience of 15-18 year olds as they would possibly be able to relate to the victim and be more attached to the film itself.
Coming away from the actor’s appearance but now onto where they are for example at the start of the film she starts of in a very pink bedroom (a typical girl’s bedroom) which represents also a teenage girl. The actual house itself represents a specific social background (middle class).
In the film itselfs we used lots of close ups on the girl actor as we believed this would make the girl seem weaker and frightened, also it built tension for the audience.
We have also used two girls as our threat also to challenge both dominant and recessive ideology by using female empowerment hence the two girls.
Another film that follows the same sort of ideologies as us is 'scream'
Here’s a clip to show the vulnerability of the girl.
This is the trailer of the film 'scream' this emphasizes the dominant ideology of society, women are more vulnerable.
These two screen shots are from the trailer above, they show how the women is represented as weak and helpless, in the first the shot it shows how the women is scared and shocked, whilst in the second shot is shows weakness and the women being over powered by the masked person.
We tried to get the same emotion in the first shot in our film to show the female actor being scared hence making her look weak. Heres a shot to show this.
The person who answered our questionnaire was within our targeted age group, the person is a female and she is 17 years old so this is the type of person we really want to reach.
The person said that the canted angles we used give an interesting effect, this is the look we went for, we tried to attract the audience a bit by making everything seem abnormal to show that the character is confused and keep the audience interested.
In the journey of making the character seem confused we may have lost our audience with it s the person said the narrative was slightly confusing.
She said we represented the gender (girl) in a negative way, we did intentionally do this because we knew that the dominant ideology of society is that the female is more vulnerable hence it may attract a wider audience, we also did challenge this idea as we used females as a threat also.